Microscopes of Tomorrow

Engaging students with cutting-edge science

The SR-STORM interactive tool displayed on iPad Pro

Let kids play with lasers!

The Lawrence Hall of Science came to ProjectEd to build out a website and interactive educational tools to teach students about cutting-edge microscopy techniques. Their goal was to offer:

…an opportunity for students to connect the science concepts and practices they learn about in school to cutting-edge applications outside of school. The diverse group of scientists featured in the app share their research, as well as aspects of their own stories, providing windows into rich and exciting science and engineering careers.
Lawrence Hall of Science

My role was to translate mockups and several prototypes by ProjectEd's Chief Design Officer Mo Riza so they could be used at the Lawrence Hall of Science on kiosk iPads and on the web. Knowing that the project would require animation, scripting, and to be accessible via the web, I chose Tumult Hype as the authoring tool.

I polished and optimized illustrations and videos, drew vectors for components requiring more intricate animation, and wrote JavaScript to manage animation timelines and set control tab indexes for accessibility. I enjoyed combining interactive design and development to bring the tools to life.

Dealing with browser support differences

I ran into issues using JavaScript to set the playbackRate of multiple videos to convey relative units of time. High values worked nicely in Chrome and Firefox, but not Safari. With the documentation being light on details, I had to find the supported rates for the major browsers by looking into their source code.

Supported playbackRate in Browsers
Browser Maximum Source Code Link
Chrome 16.0 Chromium source code
Firefox 16.0 Firefox source code
Safari 2.0 I could not find where it's defined in the WebKit source code. The minimum and maximum values may be set in the closed-source Safari code. The 2.0 value is based on personal testing and reports from video player authors.

Because WebKit (Safari) sets a very low maximum speed (perhaps to avoid battery drain), we had to adjust our approach for the Time Scale Tool to show paused videos for larger time units when selecting the smallest several.

The Time Scale Tool, which conveys the relative speeds of common actions such as walking and those imperceptible to the human eye such as the vibration of an atom.

Breaking out of a fixed path

For the “Peeking inside batteries” tool, the Lawrence Hall team wanted to allow students to proceed through the nine required scans in any order. I first had to define a timeline for each scan position, which required careful positioning of the scan plate graphic and redrawing the emitter beam to fall at the proper position on it. With each scan, a counter variable is incremented so the Process button is only presented once all scans are complete.

A rough mockup of an X-ray diffraction simulator interface
An early sketch of the tool from the LHS team.
Students can proceed through the scans in any order.

More fun with lasers

The videos here are short excerpts to demonstrate the animations. You can try out all of the tools yourself at the LHS Strobe site. Credit for the Strobe site goes to Junko Bridston for the design and Sean Snyder for development.